Dental disease in pets is very common, with average estimates of about 70% of pets have periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is basically inflammation of and damage to the gum tissue and bone that support the teeth due to plaque buildup and bacteria. This concern can typically be addressed by routine cleaning by our clinic.
However, periodontal disease is not the only condition that affects our pet's mouths. After a full examination and consultation are completed, we can schedule a procedure to treat these other concerns which are discussed below.
Other common oral health issues include fractured or loose teeth, infection, and even oral tumors. Many pets hide ailments very well and barely give any outward signs that there are issues. You can self-evaluate your pet’s mouth to monitor for any obvious concerns, however, our veterinarians will do a thorough oral exam on your pet and advise if any abnormalities are present. We can then discuss the best way to address them. We have digital dental radiography, which is an important tool used to aide in the diagnosis and treatment plan of certain disorders.
Fractures and loose teeth typically require extractions, and infections that may be present due to these conditions typically clear up once the affected teeth are removed. Oral tumors can present a larger challenge at times due to the small area in which they grow. We would typically start with a biopsy of the mass which is sent out to a lab to be evaluated. Once the evaluation results are back, we can then make decisions on how to proceed with treatment.
Just like us, our pet’s dental health relies on routine periodic cleanings along with addressing other issues as they arise. The next time you’re in for an appointment with your furry friend, be sure to ask one of our doctors about your pet’s state of dental health!
We offer both preventative care services (much like your visits to the dentist), along with dental x-rays and tooth extractions. Good oral hygiene is the best thing that you can do to ensure a longer life, with less health concerns, for your pet. Call us to schedule a dental exam or service.
xLaboratory services are a vital part of the diagnostic process when it comes to veterinarian care. This is because in many cases it is not possible to be able to give a firm diagnosis without undertaking additional tests to confirm the root of the problem. If you have any questions or concerns your vet will be happy to speak to you.
xThis is the most effective way to assist in having your companion returned if they go missing. The microchip (about the size of a grain of rice) is placed under the skin between the shoulder blades. When scanned, it provides information that assists in reuniting you with your furry friend!
xCongratulations on the newest member of your household - we can’t wait to meet them! Call us today to schedule an initial visit – our team will conduct a thorough physical exam, in addition to discussing nutrition, training, and medical care. We’ll be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have, as well
xLaser therapy is a holistic, non-invasive treatment that reduces inflammation, decreases pain, and accelerates healing for a variety of conditions. It is useful as a post-surgical treatment, for acute conditions such as sprains, strains, and wounds, and chronic conditions such as degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis.