Have you ever thought about the fact that while we, as your veterinary clinic, keep your pets healthy, your pets help keep you healthy? Our furry friends are also known as “companion animals” because that is exactly what they do – they keep us company! Another term widely used to describe this relationship is the “human – animal bond” – because they truly do bond with us, as much as and perhaps more so than we do with them.
All our lives have some stress – some more than others. Scientific studies have shown that pets can have a big impact on helping us maintain our mental health. Owning a pet can help you keep calm, by significantly lowering both your heart rate and your blood pressure when you respond to stress. 96% of pet owners agree that their pets have a positive impact on their lives – and 73% state that their pet enhances their mental health. Research has also found that pets can serve as a source of social and emotional support that positively improves mental health – that’s why there’s been such an increase in therapy animals, or “normal pets”, as part of modern depression treatment plans.
Pets are of benefit to the children in your family, also. Having a family pet can affect a child’s physical health, mental well-being, and emotional development. Having a dog or cat can positively affect a developing immune system and may reduce the risk of asthma or certain allergies in at-risk children. Recent studies have also shown that children with autism spectrum disorder often experience increased social interaction skills, and positive behavioral changes, when they’re around animals.
But the health benefits aren’t just for children – they’re for adults, also! Pets can help us stay physically active – on average, dog owners walk more minutes per week than non-owners and have a 54% higher likelihood of reaching their recommended levels of physical activity. How about heart health? Tying into the increased physical activity, research has shown that having a pet can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, help maintain a lower resting heart rate, and significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack.
If you’ve read this far, you’re already a pet lover…would you like to learn more about the human – animal bond? There’s more great information on the primary website used to research this Staff Chat – we encourage you to visit the Habri (Human Animal Bond Research Institute) website at https://habri.org/ to find out more!
We offer both preventative care services (much like your visits to the dentist), along with dental x-rays and tooth extractions. Good oral hygiene is the best thing that you can do to ensure a longer life, with less health concerns, for your pet. Call us to schedule a dental exam or service.
xLaboratory services are a vital part of the diagnostic process when it comes to veterinarian care. This is because in many cases it is not possible to be able to give a firm diagnosis without undertaking additional tests to confirm the root of the problem. If you have any questions or concerns your vet will be happy to speak to you.
xThis is the most effective way to assist in having your companion returned if they go missing. The microchip (about the size of a grain of rice) is placed under the skin between the shoulder blades. When scanned, it provides information that assists in reuniting you with your furry friend!
xCongratulations on the newest member of your household - we can’t wait to meet them! Call us today to schedule an initial visit – our team will conduct a thorough physical exam, in addition to discussing nutrition, training, and medical care. We’ll be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have, as well
xLaser therapy is a holistic, non-invasive treatment that reduces inflammation, decreases pain, and accelerates healing for a variety of conditions. It is useful as a post-surgical treatment, for acute conditions such as sprains, strains, and wounds, and chronic conditions such as degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis.